
Your organization
can be Net Positive

Grow and show your positive impacts

Hand Image

The internal case for handprinting

Engagement and Purpose
Employees seek meaning and purpose at work, and they want to work for companies striving for a better world.

Leading organizations want all employees to understand and be a part of their positive impacts. Handprinting makes it data-driven, personal, social, and real.

The external case for handprinting

Brand value and stakeholder support increase when the world knows you're serious about creating positive change. Handprinter is an independent, data-driven platform in which your positive actions and impacts flourish, speak for themselves, and spread.

Community Engagement
Engage and support your customers in becoming a vibrant force for good that sees its own collective impact updated daily. Schools can engage their alumni, events can engage their attendees, museums can engage their visitors... and You can engage Your people!

How can our organization handprint?

Organizations can handprint in each of the same 6 ways that individuals can, while
drawing on the organization’s special strengths.

Let your positive impacts grow and show


Handprinter is a project of NewEarth B, which is a for-benefit corporation, with a mission of providing positive environmental and social impacts. The two current projects of NewEarth B are Handprinter and the Social Hotspots Database.


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